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Welcome to MindShield

We are pioneering solutions in the fields of Cognitive Security and Cyber-Psychology to help government, organizations and individuals psychologically protect themselves from cyber threats, social engineering, misinformation and online manipulation.

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Protecting Cognitive Security. Building Cyber-Resilience.

Cognitive Security (CogSec) refers to the practices, methodologies and efforts made to defend against attempts- intentional or unintentional manipulations of and disruptions to human cognition and sensemaking (COGSEC, 2023) In response to the alarming 2017 testimony of Rand Waltzman to the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on the 'Weaponization of Information', MindShield stands as a pivotal call to action. 

Brain doesn't have a password

Your Brain Doesn't Have A Password

MindShield is about offering a unique approach to cybersecurity and mental health, building what we call 'Cognitive Security'. We bring together experts in psychology, design, foresight, education and cybersecurity to develop a better understanding of how the human mind can be manipulated in cyberspace, and how to protect ourselves and our youth from cyber threats to well-being.


Research in Cyberpsychology

Deeply understanding the impact of human-computer interaction on human cognition, social behaviour and strategies for protection against risks to resiliency and well-being.


Training and Education

Awareness and education is key to effective change. Training and experiential learning can help develop the knowledge and skills we need to stay safe in cyberspace.


Tailored Solutions 
and Assessments 

Every human is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to cognitive security. That's why building tailored solutions and education are essential.

Research Projects
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Mind & The Machine Podcast

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Phone on Desk

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